• Nov 1, 2022
  • Rupak Parajuli

Manaslu region is a hidden gem in Nepal that lies about 64 km east of the Annapurna region. It is a restricted area. Six VDC’s in Manaslu share their borders with Tibet.
Mt. Manaslu is one of the major attractions of the Manaslu treks. Manaslu, 8163 meters, is the eighth highest peak in the world. Manaslu means the “Mountain of Spirit”. Once you see the mountain from close you’ll know, it indeed is spiritual.

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This Manaslu trail comprises of the best remote trails in Nepal. You can see the untouched beauty of nature and culture in their original forms. This is one of the major factors that make the trek very special. During this trek, you explore the rich cultural heritage, diverse nature, and beautiful remoteness.
During the trek, you will walk into the dense forests, narrow passes, and the traditional villages. You will cross the beautiful suspension bridges over the streaming glacial rivers. You will also see many other glaciers.
You also walk into the Manaslu Conservation Area. The conservation area is popular for wildlife species such as snow leopards, red pandas, Asian black bear, horseshoe bat, Tibetan snow cocks, and crimson horned pheasants.
The highest point on the Manaslu Circuit trek is at Larkya La Pass, 5213 meters.  The Larkya La Pass offers you the most beautiful views of soaring peaks like Mt. Manaslu, Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Gangapurna, and Annapurna III, Ngadi Chuli, Himalchuli, and Baudha.
The Manaslu treks became accessible to foreign trekkers in 1991. Very few trekkers trek in this region as compared to other treks like EBC and ABC treks.

Drop Your Idea on Solo Trekking to Manaslu

The Government of Nepal has banned solo trekking in the Manaslu region. It is compulsory to hire an experienced guide for Manaslu trek. Trekking to the Manaslu region without a guide is impossible.
Six VDC’s in the Manaslu region borders with Tibet. The beautiful Tsum valley, Larkya La pass, and Manaslu Base Camp share the border with Tibet. These regions are the restricted areas for trekking. With the purpose of maintaining the serenity in the region, solo trekking in the region is not allowed.
The number of tourists to Manaslu is also limited. If you want to trek to the Manaslu region, you will need a special permit. You can obtain the permit via an authorized trekking agency only.
In addition, you cannot be a single person to trek. You must have a minimum of two people in your group. Other than the trekkers including a guide, porter, or a porter guide will complete your group.

 Why You Should Hire a Professional Trekking Guide?

  • The guides are well trained on safety precautions and first aid measures. They will look after you throughout the trek. They will also ensure your safety.
  • Hiring a guide from a travel company will help you in getting your trekking permits. You don’t have to run for the permits. Let the company arrange for the permits.
  • The guides are well familiar with the culture and lifestyle of the people in the Manaslu area. You can learn about the local cultures and traditions if you are curious.
  • Some parts of the trails are not well marked. A guide with you will help you navigate the trekking route. You can totally rely on them while walking through wild and remote parts. There will be no risks of getting lost
  • A guide will help you with booking for accommodation and food. Even during the peak trekking seasons, they will help you with booking the best places earlier.
  • A guide will assist you in interacting with the local people. You will have better chances to indulge in the local cultures.
  • A professional guide will keep updates of weather and climatic conditions in the region. They will keep you alert at places with higher risks of mudslides, landslides, or accidents.
  • The professional guides can answer almost all of your queries. You can enjoy the landscape, the flora, and fauna while knowing more about them.
  • The guide will arrange for immediate help in cases of accidental injuries or other medical emergencies.

What Makes the Manaslu Trek Attractive?

Manaslu Trek is an incredible trek in Nepal. Here are some of the major attractions:

  • The scenic drive from Gorkha to Arughat
  • Larkya La Pass- at 5153 meters
  • Numerous suspension bridges over the striking rivers
  • The glacial Buri-Gandaki River
  • Magnificent views of Himalayan peaks including Mt. Manaslu, Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Gangapurna, Annapurna III, Ngadi Chuli, Himalchuli, and Buddha peak
  • The Manaslu Conservation Area
  • Amazing landscapes, hills, and valleys
  • A lovely alpine forest full of rhododendrons, pines, hemlock, and oaks
  • Diverse fauna in the region
  • Incredible glacial lakes and the turquoise freshwater lakes
  • The old Buddhist monasteries
  • Prayer flags, hanging chortens, and Mani walls en route
  • The incredibly beautiful Tsum Valley
  • The off-the-beaten trails and the remote villages
  • Tribal villages with a simple way of life and interesting cultures
  • Budget Requirement for Hiring a Guide During Manaslu Trekking

For Manaslu Trek, you must hire a guide. You might also need a porter if you don’t think that you can carry all your loads.  You can also hire a guide-porter.
The cost of hiring a guide will not be heavy on your budget. While hiring a guide or porter or a porter-guide, you must pay for their insurance, meals, and accommodation.
Hiring a registered guide will cost you about USD 25 per day. This will include all the expenses on their meals, stays, and their salaries.
The cost of hiring a porter is USD 18 per day. The cost includes the meals, accommodation, and salary of the porter.
The cost of hiring a porter-guide is slightly expensive than hiring a porter. It will cost you USD 22-25 per day.
Note: These costs do not involve tips or gratitude.

Get Your Permits!

Trekking into any parts of Nepal requires trekking permits. The Nepal tourism board issues the trekking permits in Nepal. Manaslu region is a restricted trekking area in Nepal. Trekking to any areas in Manaslu requires the following trek permits:

Restricted Area Permit

The cost of the Manaslu restricted area permit is different for different times of a year. During the high season (September to November), it costs USD 70 for the first 10 days. If you are trekking for more than 10 days, the cost increases with USD 10 per number of additional days.
If you are trekking in any month from December to August, the permit costs USD 50 for the first 7 days and with an extra USD 7 per additional days.

Manaslu Conservation Area Permit

You will be walking into the Manaslu Conservation Area during the Manaslu trek. Entering the conservation area requires the Manaslu Conservation Area permit. The MCAP costs USD 2 per person for SAARC Nationals. However, the cost of MCAP for other nationals is USD 20 per person.

Annapurna Conservation Area Permit

This is the permit required to enter the Annapurna Conservation Area. The cost of MCAP and ACAP is the same. But you need to get both of them. Getting ACAP is essential if you are trekking to the Annapurna treks after the Manaslu region trekking.

Tsum Valley Restricted Permit

Tsum Valley is a restricted area in the Manaslu region. If you have any plans on exploring the beautiful Tsum valley, you must get this permit. The Tsum valley permit costs UDS 35 per person.
Note: There is no need of getting the TIMS card once you get the restricted trekking permit. To obtain your permits for Manaslu trek, you will need a local trekking company (About Us). We will take care of all your permits and other legal procedures. Contact Us if you want to go on the 14 Days Manaslu Trekking with us.

When Is the Manaslu Region Mostly Busy or Crowded?

The Manaslu region is mostly busy during the seasons of Spring (March, April, and May) and the Autumn (September, October, and November). These are the peak trekking seasons in Nepal. This holds true for Manaslu Circuit Trek as well.
Spring is a beautiful time. Nature is colorful in Spring. You get to enjoy the walks through the lush jungles. The jungles and hills get decorated in Rhododendron and Magnolia blossoms. You can see the clear views of the incredible snowy peaks. The good weather and a mild temperature make Spring a beautiful time for Manaslu trekking.
Autumn is a perfect time for Manaslu trekking. Autumn treks are remarkable because of the stable weather and warm temperature. Skies are perfectly blue and cloudless. You can enjoy the clearest sights of the peaks and the peaceful settlements.
While trekking in the Manaslu region, you must always be ready for unpredictable weather changes. You cannot expect the weather at mountainous to be perfect at any time of the year. Prepare a strong mindset to overcome any sorts of weather changes while trekking.

An alternative to Guide: Hire a Porter-Guide

Is there any other way to trekking without a guide? Well, there is no possibility of doing Manaslu trekking alone. But instead of hiring a guide, you can hire a porter-guide. The porter guide must be a professional with a license.
The porter-guide is a person who covers for both the guide and a porter. S/he will guide you throughout your trek and will help share your load.  They will not carry as much as a regular porter. In general, they will carry your load that is less than 12 kg in weight.
There are some porter guides who can communicate in English. If you hire one of them, you will feel more benefited. They will narrate about nature and culture of Manaslu trek to you. You can ask them questions related to the trek and they will answer you.
What else can be more exciting than trekking with someone who can serve as a guide and will carry your load at a reasonable cost?

Final Review

Are you looking for less crowded and rustic trekking experiences in Nepal? If yes, you will have no better choice than the Manaslu trek. This trek is an ideal trek that takes you into the isolated regions in Nepal.
Trekking independently is not allowed in the Manaslu region. You must get the trekking permits including the restricted area permit to trek. You cannot get this permit unless you are trekking with a guide and a one or more trek partner.
Hiring a guide for Manaslu trek is advantageous. It isn’t so expensive as compared to some other popular treks in the world.

Need Help Planning a Trip to Nepal? 

If you want to go on the Manaslu trek with us. Let us know, we can arrange the best Manaslu trek for you based on your time and requirements. If you have any queries feel free to contact us

Rupak Parajuli

Rupak Parajuli

He is a Travel Enthusiast and Writer, who mostly covers the guide to outdoor adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal. He can be your friendly trip planner. Feel free to reach out to him.

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